Study Taxes

Admission to doctoral program

Foreigners enrolled on their own expenses (PhD program, part-time):
– Enrollment and registration: $ 495.
– Periods of tests (examinations) are the same as for Romanian citizens.
– The exception to this rule is made only with the approval of the institution, upon written request. Management may approve exams even outside the session -without incurring an additional charge for the scholar.

  1. For advanced graduate training program fee is $ 495 for each exam or activity in the curriculum. Taxes are paid in advance.
  2. For duty to present research projects the fee is $ 495.
  3. Within the scientific research program, the fee for each written report (paper) is $ 495. If date of presenting paper is changed to another one than the scheduled scientific research program, no additional charges will be taxed.
  4. Thesis support fee is $ 1.360.

    5. For any restoring fee is $ 495.

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