Center for ElectroAcoustical Music and Multimedia

Electroacoustic music and multimedia center (CMeM) operates from October 1st, 2008, when it was founded by a decision of the Senate of the National University of Music Bucharest. Its main goal is to implement the new technologies in music.

The activity of the center  is developed on three coordinates:


Equipped with workstations, synthesizers, computers (Windows and Apple systems) and MIDI audio accessories, students will be able to realize their projects and experiments regarding the sound (analysis/synthesis of audio, audio processing, mixes, real-time processing and sound digital interactions). Furthermore, the video equipment and specifically software make use of the visual component (audio, video interaction, video processing, and real-time control of audio visual processes).


Research plays an important role in business and the development of CMeM. We propose, first, to monitor acoustic analysis and experiments and to develop software with specific programming environments. It is envisaged also the collaboration with similar departments of other universities in Romania or abroad (with artistic or technological profile), concerning the specific topics such as computer music, musical robotics, syncretic performances, multimedia.


CMeM commercial component covers two aspects: on one hand the ability to sell software products, on the other hand the possibility to offer our expertise and assistance to external partners, institutions or individuals.

CMeM team:

Catalin Cretu – researcher
Roman Vlad – researcher

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