International Relations (DRIPC)

Direction for International Relations and European Programs (DRIPC):
An impressive number of participations of the academic staff, alumni and students in international artistic events (concerts, recitals, festivals, juries) define UNMB as a prestigious university within the music life worldwide. 
National University of Music Bucharest is an active partner of the European Association of Conservatoires (AEC), develops several interuniversity cooperation programs at the European and regional level:

  • ERASMUS + represents the framework under which there have been signed more than 70 Bilateral Agreements with partner institutions from Europe
  • Central European Exchange Program  for University Studies (CEEPUS) is coordinated in the field of music as a regional leader by National University of Music Bucharest, (CEEPUS Initiatives in the Central European Professional Music Field)
  • Fulbright  students and teachers from USA have the opportunity to study/teach at the UNMB, inside the frame of this prestigious program. ContactAssoc. Prof. Lucia Costinescu, PhD – head of DRIPC, emails:,

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