- Composition Department
- Musicology & Educational Sciences Department
- Conducting & Complementary Instruments Department
For the last 150 years of the institution existence, the Faculty of Musical Composition, Musicology and Musical Pedagogy (FCMPm) represents an important part of the Bucharest National University of Music, asserting itself through the high quality of the educational, artistic and scientific act, being characterized by the permanent opening towards the new and, at the same time, by the transmission of the core values and the viable criteria of their selection. In a world where the power of music is more and more recognized and explored (the proof of this being the emergence of new subjects such as “the musical cognition”), we are fully aware that we ‘call the tune’ by constituting the role models and standards. It is a responsibility which we gladly assume and which takes the shape of guiding the prominent musicians (composers, musicologists, conductors, professors in the musical field, choristers, etc.) on one hand and, on the other hand, of supplying those competences which allow us to read the invisible ‘labels mentioning the ingredients’ of the musical pieces and also to establish the necessary axiological hierarchy.
Music, in general, is more than a subject. Music means food for all those three levels defining the human being (the physical, the emotional and the spiritual level). Music is a self-sustaining non-verbal language, having a strong impact among all generations. It uses the sounds as means of communicating beyond them, into a multicultural world found in a continuous process of globalization. Music represents an essential domain mainly through its inter- and trans-disciplinary dimensions.
Carrying forward a long and prestigious tradition, our academic staff gathers distinguished Romanian personalities in the musical field (composers, musicologists, conductors, theoreticians and performers of national and international span), constituting a certain guarantee for the didactic and research act.
Our faculty consists of three departments:
- The Department of Musical Composition
- The Department of Musicology and Musical Pedagogy Sciences
- The Department of Conducting and Complementary Instruments
By adopting the Bologna Convention, UNMB has fully succeeded in becoming compatible with the new configuration of the European higher-education standards (the framework of our faculty is made of three cycles: the bachelor’s degree, the master’s degree and the doctoral degree) which includes the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). For the first two higher-education cycles, FCMPm organizes courses for a number of ten academic disciplines which were accredited for the domain Music:
- Eight semesters
- Musical Composition (Classic or Jazz/Pop Music)
- Musicology
- Conducting (Choir/Orchestra)
- Six semesters
- Musical Pedagogy
- Religious Music
MASTER’S DEGREE CYCLE (four semesters)
- Compositional Style and Language
- Musicological Synthesis
- Conducting Stylistics (Choir/Orchestra Conducting)
- Pop Music and Culture
- Contemporary Music Education/Religious Musical Cultures
Co-working with the Department of Preparing the Didactic Personnel, our faculty is able to sustain two necessary training programmes which enable our students to begin a didactic career. These programmes are optional and the courses may be attended during the bachelor’s degree cycle or the master’s degree cycle or even after graduation.
A high number of students are learning at our faculty among whom there are the international students who pay for their fees, the students who were awarded with scholarships by the Romanian state, the Full-bright students and the Erasmus/CEEPUS students.